So your dog is pretty good in the house. She's not rushing the door, jumping up on people, chasing the cats, soiling the carpet or barking non-stop. That's great and you've done a great job! But have you exposed your mongrel to men, women, kids, dog parks, city places and the like? If not, please do. It's important to find out if she has anxiety with other dynamics she may come across and that they're dealt with. This means if you find that your favorite friend has a negative association or is reactive to different stimuli, her behavior can improve through behavior modification. With help of positive reinforcement and an experienced dog trainer, "Sheeba" can learn to act indifferent to the things that bother her. This includes her handler's reaction or emotion displayed during the exposures. If your dog has been somewhat of a recluse, it's high time to get her and see the world!